This graph and portfolio calculator show possible returns based on index data from multiple sources – future returns will vary. Paradyme does not guarantee returns. “Avg. Bonds Returns” is based on historical annual returns of the Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Bond. “Avg. Stocks Returns” is based on historical annual returns of the Standard & Poor’s 500. “Avg. Paradyme Returns” is based on historical annual returns of the portfolio of investment projects that Paradyme Funding has had in the past and of which are projected by the current offerings.
Paradyme Managed Investing recommends investing in a diversified set of assets. Failure to diversify an investment portfolio properly across a range of asset classes can result in an increased risk of the loss of capital. Experienced investors generally hold different assets in their portfolio, including commercial real estate as well as stocks, bonds, and other investment types. No investor should rely on Paradyme Managed Investing as the sole, or even majority, source of their overall investment portfolio. Rather, investors should rely on Paradyme Managed Investing as a component of a broadly diversified portfolio that includes other asset classes and liquid securities not currently available through Paradyme Funding.